Wellbeing Information


Austim Bedfordshire

A national organisation with information, guidance, training and services for helping patients in regards to everything related to Autism.

Website: www.autismbedfordshire.net

Email: enquiries@autismbeds.org

Carers in Bedfordshire

Carers in Bedfordshire is a not-for-profit registered charity providing support for carers of family members and friends throughout Bedfordshire.

Telephone: 0300 111 1919

Website: www.carersinbeds.org.uk


Bedford Bereavement Services

Offering support to all bereaved people during our group meetings held monthly at
Norse Rd Crematorium.

Telephone: 01234 718150

Website: www.bedford.gov.uk

Email: catherine.appleby@bedford.gov.uk

The Compassionate Friends

Supporting bereaved parents and their families after the death of their son or
daughter, at any age and from any cause.

Helpline: 0845 123 2304

Telephone: 01767 689781

Website: www.tcf.org.uk


Bedford Diabetes UK

The Diabetes UK Bedford group is one of over 350 voluntary groups situated throughout the UK. Their aim is to provide support and educate people living with diabetes, as well as their family, friends and anyone else who is interested in knowing more about diabetes. They encourage those interested to attend our group meetings which are a welcoming and social environment for people to discuss diabetes and its effects.

Telephone: 0345 123 2399 

Website: www.bedford.diabetesukgroup

Email: info@diabetes.org.uk


Carer’s Emergency Card

The Central Bedfordshire Carer’s Emergency Card enables you to record what you would like to happen in case of an emergency. The small card can easily be stored in your purse or wallet. If an emergency arises, the card will alert people that you are a carer and will know who to contact to make sure the cared for person is safe.

Telephone: 0300 300 8036

Website: www.centralbedfordshiremcard.gov.uk

Bedfordshire Carers Guide

A guide for Bedfordshire residents, packed with details of local organisations and services that can help those who care for someone who can’t manage without them because of a disability, condition or long-term illness.

Website: www.carersinbeds.org.uk

Childs Health

Bedfordshire Children’s Centres

A list of the children’s centres in Bedfordshire. The centres are places where parents with young children can share the challenges and joys of parenthood. They offer a range of activities and support services to help you with all aspects of parenting to make sure your child gets the best start in life.

Telephone: 01234 341977

Email: admin@gfc.gb.com

Website: www.goldingtonchildrenscentre.org

Bedford Twins Club – All Multiples Welcome

Regular meetings and a support network across Bedford.

Website: www.bedfordtwinsclub.co.uk

Email: bedfordtwinclub@gmail.com

Community Groups

Citizens Advice Bedford

Citizens Advice Bedford (CAB) is an independent charitable organisation that helps people resolve their problems by providing information and advice. The service is open to anyone: it is free, independent, confidential and impartial. CAB exists to help those who live or work in the Borough of Bedford.

Telephone: 01234 867 944 (Mon – Thurs, 10:00–13:00)

Website: www.bedfordcab.org.uk

The Prebend Day Centre

Bedford Concern for the Homeless and Rootless (BeCHaR) has been running The Prebend Day Centre since 1993. They take a holistic approach to helping individuals take the next step towards reintegration into the local community. This is achieved through our drop-in centre and support team, which is available to vulnerable men and women (individuals in crisis) aged 16 and over.

Telephone: 01234 365955

Website: www.prebendcentre.org.uk

Drugs and Alcohol

Drinkaware Online Tools & Apps

Online trackers and apps from Drinkaware to help you avoid harm from alcohol.

Download from: www.drinkaware.co.uk


If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, you can call this free helpline, in complete confidence.

Telephone: 0300 123 1110

Depression, Anxiety and Stress

CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) delivered by East London NHS Foundation Trust is part of a wider network of services that offer help and support to children and young people who have mental health difficulties and their families/carers.

Telephone: 01234 893301

Website: www.camhs.elft.nhs.uk

Bedfordshire and Luton Recovery Service

In partnership with East London Foundation Partnership Trust (ELFT) and The University of Bedfordshire, Recovery Colleges offer a wide range of free courses and workshops to everyone living and working in Bedfordshire and Luton, which are recovery focused, and aim to provide strategies and techniques for individuals to use in their daily lives to promote self management.

Telephone: 01234 263621

Email: elft.recoverycollege@nhs.net


Baby Buddy App

Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.

Download from: Google Play: Baby Buddy

Download from: iTunes: Baby Buddy

Stop Smoking

Smokefree Bedfordshire

Support and services to help you lead a smoke free life.

Website: www.smokefreebedfordshire.co.uk

Quit with help

Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan.

Website: www.quitwithhelp.co.uk

Young People

GP Services for Young People

A useful guide to accessing GP services for young people, aged 13 – 16 years old.

NHS Young Person Guide


A free and anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service to every child or young person living in Luton, Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes.

Website: www.kooth.com